Making an Impact…
By Loving, Growing and Serving!
Corporate Worship - the weekend Celebration of the ECC family; joining together with the purpose of loving each other and God through worship, sharing the Word, giving and other expressions of family life.
Discipleship - the process by which the ECC family grows in the Lord Jesus Christ and are equipped by the Holy Spirit, who resides in our hearts, to overcome the pressures and trials of this present life and become more and more Christ-like.
Outreach - a conduit by which the Gospel of Jesus Christ is advanced in the lives of people, through serving others in our neighborhoods, city, state, nation and around the world.
Dear Friends,
Remember, from the moment we are saved, membership is a SPIRITUAL REALITY; we are “members of God’s household,” and “members of His body” (Eph. 2:19; Col. 3:15). Being joined together with Christ requires no initiation, ritual, or waiting period. You are included IN CHRIST by faith. Ultimately Christ has only one Church, of which all believers are members – the body of Christ. However, the Bible recognizes both kinds of membership; universal and local.
You and I are not more saved because we are members of a local church; you won’t get an engraved golden plaque in heaven for your years of membership at the local church. Membership at the local church does not guarantee us anything in heaven.
So why should you join a local church? You might be asking…
It’s true, membership within a local church is an option; it’s a choice each of us must choose to make. However, membership is highly recommended because of the benefits you and I can receive in the here and now. I can’t open the Bible and show you an “eleventh commandment” that says, “You must be a member of a local church;” nothing in scripture makes membership a requirement. However, biblical principals do recommend membership. Just like membership at a retail store or amusement park gives you certain privileges, membership in the local church has its benefits too.
Let me encourage you to pray about becoming a member of Eastgate Community Church, where you too can make an IMPACT and receive the benefits available to the local body!
Pastor Dale Campfield
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