Celebrating The Holidays Alone
Next week, we will be celebrating the holiday we call “Thanksgiving.” This is a time when families gather to celebrate life, give thanks, and make memories with each other. Food will be eaten, football will be watched, games will be played, conversations will be had and memories will be made.
But not for everyone.
Some will sit in their homes, alone. Some have no families to meet with due to the distance between them. And some may have been tossed aside by their families. For one reason or another, some may be alone and would love to be with someone.
You’ve got one week to think about and ask God to show you if there might be someone in your world that you might invite to your home for the holiday. If you feel impressed to do so, then follow through with that impression and ask them over.
No one should be alone in giving thanks. Don’t assume they have a place to go to. Consider inviting them to your home. And as you do…
You watch… You wait… You’ll see!
Pastor Dale Campfield