We Are Family
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Distractions VS. Disciplines

It is easy to say start your day with G-d. Most would agree to that or say, 'we already know that'. As in many cases, knowing and doing our two different things. In John Chapter 15, the first 11 verses, Yeshua uses the word abide or remain in Him at least 10 times. It was amazing to learn that and yes, I counted it. In real life it means exactly what it says. Remain in Him.

Another fact, that I recently learned, was that in Joshua 3:4, the people were commanded to leave a distance of 2,000 cubits between them and the Ark of The Covenant. That is about a 1/2 mile! The purpose was so that people, no matter where they stood, could see the Ark in all types of terrain while traveling through. Point being, what are we filling up our "space" with that keeps us distracted from staying focused on G-d?

Each of us know what distracts us. We all have way too many things going on. We are "too busy right now". We must discipline ourselves to rid ourselves of those distractions that make us take our eyes off the Lord. Cure? Yes, determine to do it. Holy spirit will make a way. He knows our heart and He is the perfect teacher to guide us.

  • Judy Rusconi