We Are Family
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I Will Win!

Deuteronomy 20:4 - “The Lord your God is going with you. He’ll fight for you. He’ll help you win the battle over your enemies.”

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - “But he replied, ‘My kindness is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.’ So if Christ keeps giving me his power, I will gladly brag about how weak I am. Yes, I am glad to be weak or insulted or mistreated or to have troubles and sufferings, if it is for Christ. Because when I am weak, I am strong.”

Today’s Helpful Thought: Even though we can’t see it happening, there are lots of battles going on in the invisible spiritual world around us. And the things that happen in that invisible world make a difference in our lives and the world that we can see. Sometimes we are like soldiers in battles that we can not see! And even though bad things happen and we feel beat up and like we are losing some of those battles; because we are on God’s side, we win the final war! Good will always win in the end; God won’t let the devil win. But to help win the smaller battles, we have to stand up for what we believe in, do what’s right and do what the Bible says. Whenever we go through a hard time, we can remember that, because of Jesus, we win in the end!

Today’s Prayer: Dear God, You are the One in charge of the whole world! I want You to be with me and take care of all of the invisible fights that I will be part of today. Jesus, sometimes during other battles that I couldn’t see, my feelings have been hurt, my thoughts have been sad and things have been hard. The fights I can’t see can still make me feel tired. Will You please make those things better? Will You help my heart and my mind and all of me to be happy and fixed? Thank you that the hard things going on right now will be better very soon! Help me to be strong and not give up! Thank You for hearing what I say and please help these things to come true!

  • Pastor Cazi Murvine