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Make Me Like You

Psalms 24:3-4 - “Who can go up to the temple on the hill of the Lord? Who can stand in his holy place? Anyone who has clean hands and a pure heart. He does not worship the statue of a god. He doesn’t use the name of that god when he makes a promise.”

Matthew 7:21 - “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who do what my Father in heaven wants will enter.”

Today’s Helpful Thought: If you are just starting a fast. Don’t forget; while you are giving up things, you also need to spend lots of time hanging out with God and talking to HIm! It is great to fast! While you fast, it is like your prayers have super powers! Pray lots!

Today’s Prayer: Dear God, You are the One in charge of my life! I want to be more like You! Please take away anything in my life that stops me from being like You. Show me the things to do that You would do! Please make me clean on the inside; make my thoughts and feelings like Your thoughts and feelings. Then, what I do on the outside will be more like You, too! I want you to look at every single part of me and make ALL of me like You! Thank You, Jesus! Please, make these things that I asked You for to come true!

Today’s Time to Think: These are things I think God is telling me to do that will make me more like Him.

  • Pastor Cazi Murvine