What Grabs Your Attention?
I wear on my wrist a Smartwatch; mainly for convenience to send and receive messages on the fly. But my favorite part about my watch, is how it grabs the attention of my grandsons. Being 3 and 1 years old, it’s a shiny object that changes every time they touch it. Their little eyes gravitate towards the changing images as I hold them in my arms.
What shiny objects are attracting your attention in life? It’s guaranteed that the devil will provide more than enough of them for your eyes to gravitate towards; to distract you from focusing on the things of God.
You’re a child of God! You have authority over what you look at, so use it! Crucify your flesh every moment. If you see something that is displeasing to God, turn your head, avert your eyes, immediately. The longer you entertain the shiny objects of the world with your sight, the more likely you are to want more.
God is trying to get your attention.
You watch (Him)… You wait… and You’ll truly see!
Pastor Dale Campfield