We Are Family
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Do You Have Bad Breath?

You know what it’s like, to be talking with someone you love, being close enough that you can smell their breath; and that’s not a good thing, for their breath smells like the gutter behind the bowling alley. You have three choices at that point. 1 – endure the smell and stay close. 2 – back away. 3 – tell them.

True love, in my opinion, tells those we love, who have bad breath, that they have bad breath. We don’t tell them in a rude, condescending, belittling way; we tell them with love. If you truly love them, you will not want them to be embarrassed by someone else with the fact their breath is bad. Don’t wait for someone else to tell them, for they might be rude. You tell them, in love. Don’t make a joke out of it, just tell the truth in a loving way.

They’ll thank you for telling them and your relationship with each other will grow even stronger; because they’ll know you really do love them.

If they have bad breath, tell them. And as you do…

You watch… You wait… You’ll see! (not smell)

  • Pastor Dale Campfield