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Does God Believe In UFO's?

It has been reported that the government is about to release information on sightings that have been recorded of UFO’s (unidentified flying objects). Over the years we have all had our skepticism and personal stories concerning UFO’s, passing them along to others in conversations around the table with wonderment and “what if’s.”

Well… What if it is true, that there are truly other “beings” in our universe? How does that work with God? If they are there, then most certainly God created them for He is the Creator of All things. There is only one God over all the universe and nothing can ever change that. So, how do the possibilities of there being “aliens from outer space” fit it in to our Gospel? If they exist, did Jesus die for them too? Was the Bible written for them as well as us? Will they be in heaven along with us?

So many questions!!!! One could debate this subject with great pains until they are torn silly in their minds with wonderment; if they allow themselves to.

For me, I choose not to worry about those things that I can’t figure out or control and leave them with God. If there is life on other planets, then I’m sure that God has a plan for them too. After all, He is God.

Don’t get caught up in the wonderments of things we don’t know, but instead, dive deep into the things that you do know; that God loves you, has a plan for your life, and is leading you into directions of His Glory that are far and beyond your wildest expectations!

And as you do…
You watch… You wait… You’ll see!

  • Pastor Dale Campfield