Easter Is Over, Now What?
Christmas and Easter Sundays; two days of the year when Houses of Worship experience an increase in their attendance. Undoubtedly, the message of salvation is offered to church goers on that day, to receive Jesus as their Lord. Gloriously, thousands of people said what we call, “The Sinners Prayer;” asking Christ into their lives! Some of which are your family members! To which I say, “Praise God!”
Now what? I’m convinced the devil, for the most part, is “okay” with all of those people saying that prayer, for then, he will do his best to make them think they are “good” now, and they don’t need to worry about life after death; that they are “secure” and they can do whatever they want. He’ll do his best to make them think all they needed was “the prayer” and not an actual relationship with Jesus Christ.
The prayer of salvation must be followed with discipleship. If you know of someone who said that prayer this last weekend, then please, take it upon yourself to talk to them about the next steps. Make sure your loved ones are being discipled. And, it might be that you’re the one to walk that journey with them. After all, you have been commanded by God to “make disciples!”
And as you do…
You watch… You wait… You’ll see!
Pastor Dale Campfield