Why Church is Boring
You do not go “to” church. You “are” the Church. You cannot “go” to something you “are.” When you do go, do you find your Church celebrations boring or exciting? Do you find the preacher dull or are you kept on the edge of your seat with expectations for the next Truth to be revealed? Is your worship experience lifeless and gloomy, or do you find it filled with fresh expressions of the Spirit? Are the people attending filled with lifelessness and a dull sense of hope, or are they coming with an expectation that God is going to visit with them that day?
What makes any Church service boring or exciting? YOU DO!
Ask yourself, are you adding to the boredom or excitement of your experience? Is there a fire in you that spreads to others when you arrive, or is your flame barely flickering? Do you attend with an anticipation and hunger knowing you have the freedom and privilege to gather with your Church family to worship, or are you going through the motions?
If you want to make sure your Church celebrations are not boring, then you need to be one who adds the spark. Don’t wait for the preacher or worship leader to light your flame, you bring it with you! Spend time with God before you arrive, make sure the fire of the Presence of God is glowing through you before you walk in the room. Then, instead of adding to the boredom, your fire just might spread!
You have a fire within you. Begin to Fan the Flame before you get there! Then…
You watch… You wait… You’ll see!
Pastor Dale Campfield