Starting Over In 2022
We often have the feeling that when we move into a new year suddenly, at the stroke of midnight, everything is going to be different! Our expectations and hopes are high as we go to bed, only to arise the following morning with the same aches and pains, debt, struggles and problems we had the day before. The battles of life carried right over into the next year. Bummer.
The good news… along with the new year, which has 365 days in it, we are given a promise from God that each of those particular days start out with a new set of God’s mercies being poured out upon us. Every day!
He gives us mercy to face the aches and pains, debt, struggles and problems we had the day before. Your job is to receive each mercy given to you as it comes forth every day. God’s mercies provide you with hope, encouragement, refreshment and life to face that particular day. Remember, He’s got your back.
You watch… You wait… You’ll see!
Pastor Dale Campfield