We Are Family
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Encourage One Another

1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Today, try to simply encourage someone. We live in a world consumed with pressure and stress. Sometimes our day to day responsibilities and lives can overwhelm us and drain our passion and energy. You never know what other people are going through and how much of a difference an encouraging word can make. A kind word goes a long way. Our speech has the power of life and death, so today, use it for life!

Tell someone you love them. Tell someone you’re proud of them. Tell a stranger “God bless you!” Bring a smile to someone’s face today. Let’s do our best to spread some joy and encouragement to the people we talk to today. Let’s go out of our way to make someone smile. I’m believing God can use us to change this world, one person at a time. God loves to see His children happy! That’s my God!!!!

  • Pastor Max Campfield